Constitutive Declaration
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that in 2000 over 35, 000 Québec men and women discovered that they suffered from one type of cancer or another
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that in the same year more than 17, 000 of our fellow citizens died of cancer;
TAKNG INTO ACCOUNT that by 2010 the increase of cancer occurrence is expected to be of about 70%
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that one out of three individuals will be affected by cancer during their lifetime
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that the Québec government has developed a national fight against cancer policy named “The Québec fight against cancer program, to efficiently fight cancer, we need to go as a team”, the 21st of April, 1998.
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that the undersigned organizations recognize the relevancy of this said program
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that three years after its adoption this programs has significant gaps in its implementation
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that these significant gaps in implementation are serious and severe most notably at the level of treatment and result in an absence of sufficient governmental resources (organizational, human and financial)
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that the all the undersigned organizations service individuals suffering from cancer and their relatives
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that the undersigned come into daily contact with individuals suffering from cancer and witness the health system’s shortcoming in regards to oncology;
TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that it is cancer sufferers and their relatives who suffer from these shortcomings;
The undersigned organizations acknowledge that, in fact, the resources required to make the fight against cancer a real priority are not properly allocated by the government of Quebec and ask that the minister of health and of social services dedicate the necessary resources (organizational, human and financial) to Quebec’s fight against cancer program without further delay.
The Signatory Organizations
Radio-oncologists Association of Québec
Cancer Association of Eastern Québec
Québec Palliative Care Association
Patient Committee of the Centre Intégré de lutte contre le Cancer de la Montérégie
Québec Cancer Foundation
The Québec Oncology Nurses Association
Ordre des Technologues en Radiologie du Québec
Organisation montréalaise des personnes atteintes de cancer (OMPAQ)
Organisation québécoise des personnes atteintes de cancer (OQPAC)
Organisme gaspésien des personnes atteintes de cancer (OGPAC)
Alliance of Oncology Pharmacists
Canadian Cancer Society