Inequitable Access to Treatment for Women Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer

[rescue_box color=”gray” text_align=”left” width=”100%” float=”none”] cancer-du-sein-21164_w1000 (1)Lack of firm deadlines for the provinces result in lengthy time lags in accessing treatment – which for some women could be a matter of life and death « Our country has a great system in place – but it’s not perfect. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of firm deadlines for the provinces to list a drug once it has been approved and pricing has been agreed upon,” says Cathy Ammendolea, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Canadian breast cancer network (CBCN). “Women in Quebec and Atlantic Canada in particular experience long delays in accessing treatment, causing enormous physical, emotional and financial strain on them and their families. Timely access to these medications is crucial. » This is a worrying observation that highlights the disparities between the patients according to their area of residence (and Quebec does not have the nice part).

Click HERE to read the full information on the CBCN website
