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Cancer and Rehabilitation Symposium

Presented by the Coalition Priority Cancer in Quebec and its Patients and Survivors Committee, with the collaboration of the Federation of Private Physiotherapy Clinics of Quebec, the Quebec Association of Occupational Therapists in Private Practice, the Alliance of Cultural Communities in Equal Opportunity Health and Social Services (ACCESHS), this symposium held on May 12, 2016, addressed four aspects of rehabilitation:

  • Rehabilitation needs across the continuum of care and services
  • Rehabilitation best practices
  • access to public and private professional resources in rehabilitation
  • who pays the bill?

The Coalition also addressed the issue: work-life balance is it possible

Is the service offer at the rendezvous?

The goal of rehabilitation is to maintain and improve the physical, psychological and social capacity of people to act in their community and to fulfill the roles they intend to assume in a way that is acceptable to them. Rehabilitation is also an important part of returning to everyday activities after cancer treatments. It differs for each person, as well as the type of cancer and treatment administered. It helps the patient to recover during and after treatment and to stay as independent as possible. Rehabilitation therefore aims to help patients to:

  • adapt to changes in their bodies and perceptions
  • to be physically more active and autonomous
  • resume their daily activities
  • cope with emotional, social or professional aspects
  • promote a more harmonious and profitable return to work or in the
  • school environment